Sunday, 20 January 2013

Rahul Baba Ki Jay!!!


Finally, We are obliged by Kunvar of India i.e. Rahul Gandhi. He is all set to have poison. Today, as a Vice - President he delivered his first speech. Actually, 'READ' would be a better choice. But, I don't want to demean His highness THE Rahul Gandhi. Some of his chamchas go ga ga over his speech. For the matter of fact, they (The Chamchas... oops Congressi) are conditioned to praise their Yuvaraj. Some internal sources tell that today, he farted so many times in Cintan Shivir that the hall filled with healthy gas (the congressi differentiate commoner's fart with Yuvraj's healthy Gas!)

Rahul Gandhi made one of the great speeches of contemporary Indian political history: political&intensely personal, inspirational&emotional.
 - Shashi Tharoor 

Ms Sagarika Ghosh The Rhodes Scholar tweeted, "For the first time I must say a good interesting personal speech from Rahul Gandhi....(sic.)" I am thankful to her that she finds RG's speech only interesting and not inspiring!!!

India has been called a 'dynastic democracy'. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call it 'durbari democracy'.
 -Ramchandra Guha

As an Indian, I am not at all shocked or appalled while watching RG's speech on screen and the congressi started clapping, crying and  what not??? But, personally I don't like that our Yuvaraj Made our RajMata crying!!! That's not done RG??? I can't see a wife of shaheed and shaheed's family crying. Moreover, You are the reason of her agony. You owe an apology to Indian Subjects.

Now, I have great respect for Mr Robert Wadra, long ago, he branded the country 'Banana Republic' and her subjects as 'Mango people'. All the mango people who gathered outside of the Palace (10, Janpath) are shouting Long Live Rahul Baba... Baba ki Jay ho. Unfortunately, this 'Baba' word reminds me Sanjay Dutt and to the worst Nirmal Baba.

In 70s-80s, we have a strong Chamcha of this 'First Family'. His name is Khuswant Singh, He was so admired by Sanjay Gandhi that he wrote so many editorial on Sanjay Gandhi's Motor car project in Illustrated Weekly. Though, sanjay's factory did not produce a single roadworthy car. In 2013, Sanjay's nephew has a dozen of Khuswant Singh.

 In this moment of joy, as a Subject of this great Monarchy, I would like to propose 20/01 be celebrated  every year as a 'Baba Day'. 

Moral of the Story:  The semen and the Uterus, these both play very pivotal role in your career prospect. Unfortunately, we have no commond over both of these!!!

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